(Ephesians 4:11-16)
Our desire is to grow in the love, grace and truth of Jesus Christ by expressing and living out the gifting that He has placed in each one of us. The best way to honour one another and glorify God is to mature in our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
We would love to connect you with our ministries
Every Wednesday from 11:30am to 1:00pm and Sunday morning at 9:00am we meet together and pray for our church family and community. This prayer time is characterized as Holy Spirit led and powerful. Each week we see God move in our midst as He directs our prayers and unites our hearts to pray out His desire for our church, our community and even the world. Every week we are left awestruck as our prayers unfold in our Sunday morning gatherings and other ministries. God is always working in our midst! In Acts 1 the Disciples waited in the upper room and prayed together continually until the Holy Spirit was sent. The result was the day of Pentecost where thousands received Christ. We urge you brothers and sisters to join us in the "upper room" to add your voice to the prayers being lifted up to our heavenly Father.
Email our Prayer Leader:
Encounter Kids (Children's Ministry)
The goal of Encounter Kids is to help children and their families to encounter Jesus and others as we learn to walk with Christ together.
In Luke 18:16, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." We strive to create a safe and loving environment for kids from birth to grade five to come to Jesus and learn how to walk with him and be part of the Kingdom of God.
On Sunday mornings we provide three separate age-related programs for children. Encounter Kids Nursery, for infants up to two years old, Encounter Kids Preschool, for ages three to five; and Encounter Kids Elementary, for kids in kindergarten up to grade 5. These programs are designed to engage kids to encounter Jesus and learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Him and how to share His love with the world around them and to encounter others with opportunities to build relationships with their peers and with caring adults who wish to speak truth and grace into their lives. In these programs, kids learn through fun games, music, Bible lessons, and much more. In addition to these programs, we have a Mother's Room available where you can care for your baby at any time during the service.
We encourage parents to arrive early to have time to check their nursery and preschool-aged kids into their programs before the service starts. Elementary-aged kids should check in with the children’s pastor/volunteer in the foyer before heading into the main service with their families. They will remain with the wider church family for the first part of the service before being dismissed to the children’s gathering.
We believe that there is value in having dedicated worship times specifically for children. We also believe there is great value for intentional times of intergenerational worship all together as a church family. Therefore we will have the children occasionally take part in the service and plan intentional family services and events tailored for all ages will help us connect better as a body and church family.
Email Pastor Courtney:
Fusion Encounter Youth
The goal of Fusion is that youth will encounter Christ in real and tangible ways through scripture and teaching, intentional activities that promote community, and through connected worship of Jesus Christ.
The youth group meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm every week. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Students from grade 6-12 are welcome to attend and friends are always welcome. Contact Pastor Saul for more information or just join in this week!
Email Pastor Saul: